Interesting similarity....

You may or may not know (or care for that matter) that

I am a huge fan of autoracing. Nascar has implemented
a rules change this year for determining their year
long Nextel Cup Champion. What they do is... they take
the top ten in points, with ten races left....throw
out all the points to date for these guys, and give
them a predetermined point separation - 5 points per
to date placing. So.... the tenth place guy, who was
down about 400 points, is now down only 50. Which, the
way Nextel Cup is scored, is like starting with a
clean slate. 

When I first heard about this, I was appalled. The
similarity to how we fly F3J cracked me up. It was all
about the fans. But is this a fair way to determine
the best?

The fans do seem to like it.... mostly I think because
it lets their driver back in the hunt for the
Championship and makes the rest of they year a little
more exciting to watch. Well yeah, duh.... the points
are much closer. But is it fair? Most of the drivers
even seem to like it.... well, except the top guys of
course. It was interesting to hear the first and
second place guys whine about it all year long. 

Now that we're in the last ten races of the season,
all the drivers seem to be focused on the points chase
as it is now written, and simply have to deal with it.
Of course, there was instantly a new points leader
after the first race. Listening to his interview after
the race, he seemed to forget the huge gift he was
just granted, and you'd have thought he had the points
lead all year long.

Am I the only one who sees a problem with this type of
scoring as it relates to determining a winner... in
any form of sporting activity? 

As Jim McCarthy once said after seeing the landing
task at one Visalia contest (or was it Phoenix - I
don't remember) ... "let's just all play
'paper/scissors/rock' and let's drink!" I think this
is just as fair...

Or, we could simply give all the Icon flyers an
additional hundred points... since we can't beat them
anyway... ;-)

Sorry to ramble, I have issues with simply rolling the
dice to determine winners. I like to see consistency


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