How about having practice days on a Saturday?  As a matter of fact, I never understood why more contests arent held on Saturdays.  I know the SVSS club has most of their monthly stuff on Saturdays, and it seems to work good for them.  I personally am not totally obsessed by RC glider flying.  I like it but also like other stuff like watching a football game now and then,etc. For me, Sundays are also kind of a "sleep in" read the newspaper day(yes, I know you can read the news, sports, etc on the net, but I just like the experience of an old fashioned newspaper). Also, its kind of a drag to have to come home late Sunday  from a contest knowing the next day is MONDAY!  Lets say you do well at a contest/practice Saturday, you have all day Sunday to "bask in the glow" of your achievement.  Going in to work, being hammerred by all the usual Monday morning work associated"stuff" kinda ruins your high.
   I spent a decent amount of money, bought several F3F ships, a Acacia3, a Wizard Compact, and a carbon Trinity. I even was and still may buy my own  F3f timing set up from the UK to have available at a moments notice - in case the wind looked good somewhere on a non event weekend. I tried attending several F3F races this past year only for them to be no flies due to poor wind conditions.  Eventually, I kinda gave up on it.  I sold the Wiz, but still have the other two racers and would still like to someday try a F3F event, practice  or otherwise.  Keep me posted.
Thanks, Walter
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, October 15, 2004 9:54 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Practice F3f at Los Banos the 4th Sunday

After seeing my name at the bottom of the results ....again, I can
clearly see that flying in 2+ events a year is not enough.  One step
forward would be to have a practice day that does not interfere with
the 2nd sunday Norcal f3f, or the 3rd sunday foamy MOM races.

This is the proposal, on the 4th Sunday of the month several of the
central cal fliers meet up at banos and practice, we would setup some
crude turn markers, use whistles for turn indicators, and a stop
watch for time.  This setup will not be an exact, but it will show
progress or lack of progress.

It would be best if every body brought their own whistles, otherwise
you would be sharing saliva with who knows.  I want to keep this very
simple in equip and attitude.  I beleave F3f took off origanaly
because of its simplicity, no detailed rules.

Above I did say Central cal fliers but of course everybody is invited
to practice and get better.  SO if you are tired of keeping me
company at the bottom of the results sheet or just need practice
landing your plane while you knees are shaking, the 4th sunday is for

If interested please e-mail me or the list with your thoughts and
this practice day will evolve into a day that will meet all of our


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