Good comments all around. I certainly agree with  the suggestion that it 
works best if those who have ideas become CDs and try  them out to get feedback. 
Tim's done that. I've done that. Many of the others  posting have done that. 

And we each come to somewhat different  conclusions about how to address the 


So we go  with what works - post the rules and potential attendees decide if 
that works  for them. If not, don't attend. Maybe someday someone will hit the 
perfect  combination for everyone but it's still out there waiting to be  

I guess my concern is not in the details but in the ability  to continue to 
attract new pilots to the competitive side of the sport. As has  been noted, 
NATS, Visalia, etc. are special cases. But what should we do at the  local level 
which will be inclusive enough to keep the competitive juices going  but not 
be discouraging to entry level pilots?

Yeah, there's the  part about 'tough noogies, take your lumps and learn'. 
You'll get plenty of that  once you get started. But how do you keep them going 
through the first contest  season so they want to keep coming back? Unless you 
already know a lot of guys  and just enjoy the experience, it can get old 
being cannon fodder for  others.

Hope Visalia is a great event (again). Watch out for Nutter -  he's been 

Closer to home, TNT is two weeks out and shaping up  to be a great contest 
(shameless plug for our Texas brethren). Tim, Henry and  the guys are working 
hard to make it a great weekend at Southfork in Dallas.  They've even agreed to 
stop tipping over the outhouse when an Okie is in  it!

- dave r  

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