I took it all the way to Chicago O'Hare today, then got stuck.  Bumped for a free ticket, $150 comp ticket, a free nite at the Radison and meal tickets....and the Website too.
Life don't get much better than this...oh yeah did I mention that I also have a pocket full of LSF 3 Contest points :-).
Its a good thing I got side tracked, I need the nite to recover from the shock of not adjusting my approach energy on the landings.  Guess I wasn't used to the lack of wind...or I'm still lousy at landings :-)
My first caller told me during the first two approaches that I was using the flaps too late, but what did he know, he's just a jet pilot...so I fired him.  In the last rounds the big dogs were yelling from the sidelines "Hey stupid, get your flaps on now!"...but I no I stood there like a deer in the head lights watching the nose approach at warp speed, straight to the money spot, for the big "WHACK/BOUNCE" thing...
It was soooo incredible to be there!  I was told that I have a lot to learn still, and wow is that exciting cuz I thought I knew everything already! :-)
Skeg is coming off till I get my approach grove back....maybe staying off, since I intend to learn F3J to fly with my friends from here and England next year in Istanbul...and they aren't allowed in 'gentlemen's' soaring. :-)
Chicago tonite

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