I believe when separation of communications frequencies were halved (or maybe it was divided into 3 parts) a few years ago, the FCC regualtions on Model frequencies stated that our use must not cause interference on communicatons bands and our frequencies must accept interference from any such licensed communications equipment. Most likely that is still the case and will remain the case. I don't think we have much recourse on our own.

However, if BPL causes our systems interference then it will almost surely conflict with other "more important" applications as well and that definitely will attact attention to any problems. Those other applications may be what saves our day.

Another thing that has most likely nothing to do about the issue, but US AC electrical power is so noisy already, that this scheme may not be practical even though legal. I am not by anyone's imagination, especially mine, any sort of expert on RF transmission or reception. So take my comments for what they cost you.

Ed Jett
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jared" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2004 10:01 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Broadband Over Powerline approved

Also if your plane was shot down b/c of this type of interference wouldn't
you have recourse against the provider interfering on your channel since
they don't have the license to use it?


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