Hey, you forgot to ask for Gordy's opinion on the subject.  :P
No need to ask, since I did two seperate articles on the subject.
One on Tow Hook location and why, one on Launch Camber, available for free download from RCSD.
"Hooked Up My Camber and headed....UP!"
"There Is No CG with A Tow Hook"
I figured instead of guessing at setups and proceedures, why not figure it out for real?  Yep I used the Picolario and a few hundred test launches around the country....after reading JW and DP's articles.
Then after flying a few thousand times this season and observing the overall benefit of an 'optimized' launch, I often got a reality check like this past weekend in Cincy....where guys got full 500'+ launches and yet landed before two guys who had popped off at about 50' or so, and surfed carefully two win the round...seldom getting higher than 100'
Don't get me wrong, I'll take the full launch everytime over a popoff, but those guys knew what to do with the available air, regardless of what altitude of that air.
SImple rules of thumb for those of you who are looking to improve your launches.
Keep it simple, don't get all dramatic with throwing, pulsing, diving, and pinging.
Set you full trailing edge at about 3/8".
Don't have your tow hook so far back that your sailplane pops vertical out of your hand.  A little forward will keep you from stalling over into the ground or popping off.
Develop a consistant pattern for every single launch and repeat it.
Don't do the cool oh so sexy, dip and pop.
When you get near apex, remove your camber.
Stand on the pedal for a 1,001, 1002 count (composites or moldies)
Let off the pedal, THEN pull up....again after you let off the pedal.
What you will get is consistant launches that will allow you to transition into the more agressive technique.
What you won't get is tangled in the winch line, pushed back over your head in windy condtions
A loss of 50' to 100' dive to recover from.
Far reduced abuse to airframe and linkage and servo/battery systems.
For those of us who are sub-JW, DP, or BC, it makes sense to let those of less experience and skill to transistion thru the learning curve the same way you did.
IF they learn it the way we did, they'll likely understand it and be able to tune it...themselves ='s a lot more fun for them :-)
or not :-)
Soaring Tullahoma tomorrow with Herb, Ben, Chuck Anderson and Fly'n Brian, and maybe even Kendal :-)

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