Sorry I said "NRA", but they were the first group I thought of - they are visible and fight hard against legislations.


What is the plan? Letter writing campaigns? AMA infomercials? Bumper stickers? NPR? Public hangings?

I propose that the next time we here about proposed legislation affecting our hobby, that we write well thought out letters to our legislators expressing our concerns. The model rocket community did this within the last two years or so. The intent was to coordinate the letters so that they arrived in a show of force at about the same time.

We would need someone politically oriented to tell us when these proposals are made public and to coordinate the effort across all disciplines of model aviation. As model sailplane guys we are, like all SIGs of the AMA, a minority. We need to stand together as AMA, not RCSE.

   I apologize to everyone, if indeed there is someone who does this.

Tom Koszuta Western New York Sailplane and Electric Flyers Buffalo, NY

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