With the advent of Mark Drela's cantilever method mounting of servos, other methods that involve adhering them to the skin or adhering commercial servo mounts to the skin, seem crude to me.

Details on Marks's method are given in the Genie pages, located at http://genie.rchomepage.com/, starting at page 25 in File 3.

Mark developed this method for use with the Rotary Driver System, and since you are dealing with a foam core wing, you might just as well consider the RDS as detailed in the same pages also following page 25.

There is no need to put up with distorted skins where stuff is attached and no need to have anything hanging out of the wing at all.
----- Original Message ----- From: "John Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:18 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Wing servo mounting

I'm sure this has been covered before but.... I've been having fits trying
to come up with the best method for securing servos in a Phil Barnes foam
core wing. I have used a glue known as PFM, I think it also is known as shoe
goo. This adhesive, although strong and secure, dimples the top surface of
the wing. Not sure if its attacking the foam, but it certainly distorts the
top surface.

Most recently on my new ship I have used silicone, this at first seemed to
work well, but it didn't hold up and my flap servos are now floating around.
Makes for an interesting launch when the flaps are both in different

On my last Mantis I used the PFM and the servos been secure, I've just lived
with the depressions in the top surface. I haven't blocked in around the
servo, perhaps that will be my first next move. If any of you have had good
repeatable success, or good adhesive suggestions I would appreciate hearing
about it. I know there's a lot of servos installed out there and there must
be a better way.

John Hayes
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