I don't know if this is universal, but I got a Multiplex transmitter tray for my Profi 4000.  I figured that since I was accustomed to using a harness for my transmitter, the tray wouldn't be much different - only more stable.  I was wrong.  I'm accustomed to flying with my thumbs and the tray pretty much forced me to use my fingertips.  All of the muscle memory that was trained into my thumbs went out the window.  I was lucky to get my plane back in one piece the first time I tried it.  For the moment, my tray is in retirement.  I'm planning to acclimate myself to it on the simulator this winter.
I don't want to argue with Gordy, but I've used my transmitter mitt on the slope a bit and it seems to be OK.  I have used it with a DLG, and with an electric - both were also OK.  I don't pull out the mitt until it gets really cold, though.  I use gloves with the fingertips cut open much more often.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 10:03 AM
Subject: [RCSE] "No Mitts or Muffs, at least on the hill, This is the way to go"

Instead of mitts of muffs, this tray is the way to go for slopers. Mitts get in the way and are hard to get in and out of in a rush.  Sort of like putting your TX into a pillow case.
This tranny tray blocks the wind from your hands and supports the tranny so the sticks are right where you left them, even when you don't have time to find them.
From what I could find only available in England, about $60 (39#' UK).

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