I'm going to Cozumel diving for Xmas and I need a new BC so I gotta sell some stuff to get new stuff..............
AIRTRONICS Infinity 660 PCM radio - transmitter and 92965 PCM receiver CH40 $125  / Offer
HOBBICO Accucycle Pro (110 AC) - Don't guess about your batteries capacity $40  / Offer
JR Max AM (Gold) Transmitter and ABC&W receiver CH31 $25 / Offer
Sirius Hotliner  F5B / Slope  --- Some repairs to fuse. Still looks good.
Endoplasma motor - MP Jet Gearbox ESC (could use a brake ESC) + 2 Volz in wing + 1 other elevator servo in tail
3 Battery packs
$125 / Offer
Marauder RES kit NIB            MAKE ME AN OFFER
2M Aspire ARF w/2 servos  - NICE - Great for beginner -  MAKE ME AN OFFER   
Any of you digital SLR (or file) guys have a Nikon in need of a 2x teleconverter, I'm selling a like new Kenko PRO 300 2X teleconverter that usually goes for about $200 at B&H. I'll make a special price for RCSE guys of $125 just to save me the Ebay hassle. I also have a MC-EU1 remote cord for Nikon 990,5700,4300..... that I'd like to sell for $75. 
All of this stuff is in Denver --- shipping is additional.

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