Hello to all.

I recently had the opportunity to spend a month in Albuquerque, NM. I knew ahead of time I'd be there, so I sent my Encore ahead in a Sportube via Fed Ex ground. I packed it very well and it arrived in perfect condition. I had some family obligations that prevented me from flying two of the weekends I was there but I was able to fly with the Albuquerque Soaring Association at the sod farm in McIntosh my last weekend there. They're a great group of people and instantly made me feel welcome. I had some extra room in my Sportube so I brought back an Ellipse 4. I shipped it with my Encore via DHL and everything arrived in perfect condition. Thank you Mr. Averill for the great deal on the Ellipse! I'd also like to thank the Albuquerque Soaring Association for their hospitality. If you're ever in Albuquerque, check out soarabq.org


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