Just as a side note, the Icon page at www.mapleleafdesign.com still describes the airframe as including a "Hoopes" wing harness.
"Also included are a unique 44 ounce ballast system, a complete wiring harness by Hoopes Designs, flush-mounted wing servo covers........ "
It's pretty clear now that for whatever reasons this is not the case, and hasn't been for a while.
(Icon coveter, and quality wing harness appreciator)

What more can be said, Hoopes connectors are made of metal and plastic and are soldered to wire with insulation on it.  The harnesses come in plastic bags that are real clear.  Included are some very detailed instructions, Tom is a neat packer of stuff.
I was going to order an Icon till I heard the rumor that Hoopes connectors didn't seem to work very well in them, and no way would I fly a sailplane without Hoopes connectors!
I use Hoopes connectors in all my Pikes, and well every other ship I have, short of foamies.
They don't seem to work very well for me, cuz I keep on losing contests and it couldn't be my flying skills.
I love you Tom Hoopes, now can I have your beer?
Flew today in cloudy but warm Louisville...with Hoopes connectors.

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