Thanks Bill,

Sorry I didn't mention that.  I've actually flew the plane and did some extensive range checks before.  Not a proximity effect in this case and range was fine.  

I've since removed the rx in preparation to send it in to FMA.  I also was able to swap crystals (same channel though) with the same result.


How close are you to  the plane/Rx with the Tx?  I've seen exactly the same thing if the Tx and the Rx are too close, i.e. a few feet, but it stops if the Tx moves away.  Anything over 10 feet and it should be dead solid.  

Just a thought.


At 11:14 AM 12/1/2004, you wrote:
I've experienced the same with my first M5 purchased last winter.  Using M5 with HS85MG servos.   It is Futaba shift and I'veI tried different transmitters including Eclipse synth, Evo synth, and older Futaba crystal.  Same result.

The jitter (very slight but consistent) occurs all the time regardless of environment.  However, turn the transmitter off and it stops.    Shop, slope, outside, inside.    
I tried different battery packs with no change.

I tried different antenae configuration. I'm going to closely check the antanae wiring later.

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