As I get older, I find my own limits getting a bit more conservative.
Reflecting on this prompts a proposed discussion on certain limits in R/C
soaring.  When posting a comment, keep it to a particular limit.  Comments
on the factors determining the limit would be appreciated.  For example, is
the limit aerodynamically, technological, financially, or perhaps even
humanly defined.  Perhaps a combination of factors?  The three limits I'd
like to see explored are:

    - What is the limit of the current speed task in F3B?
    - Is there an ultimate limit for DS speeds?  If so what defines it?
    - What is the duration limit for a pure thermal (no slope assist)
duration flight?

    So instead of bashing Fed Ex et al, vendors, Gordy, or the "good old
boys" in the AMA, why not stretch mind and imagination and become a prophet
(with no danger in this forum of being "without honor")?
                Think, then post,
                        Jim Deck
    And, as David Letterman says, "This is an exhibition not a competition,
no wagering please."

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