Good thought from Al, in case anyone was following this.

From: Al Bowers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:21 AM
Subject: [nurflugel] The "proper" way to add washout/twist...


> Just curious if anyone knows how washout should be "properly" added to a
> wing. I don't mean how much should be added (that I understand fine),
> but rather how the wing should be twisted.
> Do you rotate the tip section about the 1/4 chord point (typically how
> I've done it in the past)? Can you rotate the tip section about the LE
> instead without changing the effect very much? Does it really matter?

Just a thought: you should twist it about the hingeline of the control
surfaces.  The hingeline becomes a straight line, which simplifies the
hinge and the seal of the surfaces.  This way, you maximize the seal
(or at least minimize the complexity of the hinges and seals) for the
control surface.  Leaking pressure from the bottom of the wing to the
top of the wing (reducing aero efficiency and control power
efficiency) is usually a bad idea...

Reimar Horten always did it that way.  So it MUST be a good idea...

Al Bowers

Al Bowers                          Deputy Director of Research (acting)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
"Tranquility Base here, the Eagle has landed. " -Neil Armstrong, 20 Jul 1969

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