Since I first mentioned this spring of posting of the GENIE CD content at, there have been well over 5,000 hits. That many intentional visits tells me people are looking for worthy airframe projects. Yet, but a few dozen inquiries have come in and fewer yet have committed to building.

The continuing operation of suppliers of raw materials such as Sig, Balsa USA, Lone Star Models, ACP, CST, Superior Balsa and Hobby Supply, etc. indicates there must be scratch builders out there creating a market for such materials.

Over the years starting back from the mid '60's I had 17 construction articles of my original designs published. Several were kitted and some 5,000 sold, but I think more were scratch built from the magazine plans. People still talk about the Miskeet, Mod-Pod, Keetah, Orca, Buzzbat, Jouster, etc.

However, compared to what was involved to scratch build in the 70's and 80's, what is available now to build a big GENIE or an LT/S makes it significantly easier. Further, the capabilities of these airframes are such to hold their own among contemporary ARF's that cost 3-4 times as much.

Between the GENIE plans, the web pages, the quality items available like the composite fuse, Les Horvath's superior cores and my e-mail help with questions, modelers have never had such extensive and thorough support available.

I do wonder why more builders do not take advantage of this opportunity to build these sophisticated, state-of-the-art scratch buildable airframes. Does the idea of building something that can compete with ARF's intimidate you or do you have personally designed ones to scratch build?

Building one of my ships is a modeling education in and of itself you'll not likely get elsewhere and its free.

Why not join in this winter and have a brand new GENIE or LT/S to show off this spring? No more copping out with lame excuses. Of course you can it. Just get the things needed as detailed in the web pages and follow the building nstructions. Questions?? e-mail me.

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