A sad state of affairs indeed.  One wonders if the producers of the foam
P-38 gracing the cover of the latest MAN have paid EMI its toll?  And,
speaking of historic airplanes, it occurs to me that all of the
airplanes(the Sikorsky seaplane excepted) in the new movie, "The Aviator",
fall under the same domain as the late "Road Kill" P-38 and Electra.  And,
speaking of movies, why , outside of the extensive use of CGI, did thy
choose to remake every aeromodeler's favorite movie, "The Flight of the
    I'm older and can remember, as a grade school youngster, writing for
Fairchild for information on the "Flying Boxcar" and receiving about a pound
of great photos and details.  I got these from Northrop as well - wish I
still had the stuff.  Nowadays, I guess I'd get referred to the company's
merchandise web site.  But that was back when industry was still encouraging
young people to become engineers rather than exporting jobs.
        Off my soapbox,
        Jim Deck

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