Title: Re: [RCSE] How to obtain sectional drawings from a 3 view

I found this page quickly using Google.


there are 3 intruder drawings on that page.  One of them (on the right
column, 4th row down from top) has fuselage cross sections.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bonfiglio Tullio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It just happens that I'm tempted to build a 1:9 A-6E Intruder as a PSS
glider. I'm planning to use the lost foam technique, so I am starting from
the 3 view of the relevant 'In Action' book. Unluckily this 3 view lacks
almost totally of the necessary sectional drawings of the fuse.
My request is: does perhaps exist a method/software/'anything on the web' to
obtain such sections ?
Any answer, both easy or complicated, is well accepted.

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