    My mother-in-law is going to be out of town for the holidays, so she stopped by tonight to give the family Christmas gifts.   She gave me this electric model plane that I have not heard of before,  and I hang out in a lot of hobby shops.   It is sort of toy-like but maybe interesting.  
    Made by Silverlit Industries.   Called an X-Plane.   All EPP, with a tractor prop mounted on the vertical stab. (!?)  A  27 mhz TX, with 3 channels, sort of, elevator on the left stick, rudder on the right stick, throttle on a button somewhere, and a digital camera that tucks into a sort of bomb bay.  OK, maybe its 4 channels, if you count the digital camera/bomb bay thingy.
    They got a website, Silverlit-flyingclub.com but it is written by somebody who learned English by reading the instructions to Korean built microwave ovens.  And by this I mean no disrespect to either Koreans or microwave ovens.
    Anyway, do I take this thing out of the box and mess with it, or try to return it?   Anybody tried to fly one of these things?  HELP!!!!

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