Lazy day most of it. Weather fantastic here in SOCAL. Severe clear, 2 knot
breeze, and 66 degrees. Thought about taking the big gasser out but couldn't
get motivated. Around 2:45 I finally decided to go play glider guider. Just
under 2 hours of daylight left in the day.

Grabbed the Little Big Winch and my Topaz equipped with my new JR 9303 and
headed over to my secret practice field. Kind of small, but an awesome view
into a canyon overlooking a golf course. And it is only 6 minutes from the

Set up the LBW with only about 350 feet of line to the turn around (like I
said, it's a smallish field). First launch was 14 minutes of no real work.
Nothing huge, just gentle lift out over the canyon that the Topaz loved (all
35 ounces of it).

Second flight was another just short of 15 minutes. Last one was 12 minutes
as the air cooled prior to a glorious red-orange sunset, and then I had to
get home to work on dinner. Besides, I was starting to get a little chilly
in my shorts and flip-flops.

Just a fantastic afternoon of soaring perfection in quiet solitude. Almost
makes the property values here worth it!!

Gassers tomorrow however!! No slime with gasoline, just pure horsepower and
aerobatic perfection (the plane, not my flying!!).

Merry Christmas to everyone out there in RCSE land.

Bill Malvey


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