First in the kitty from the West Coast is none other than one of our
outstanding F3J World Pilots, Larry Jolly!
Come on guys, you don't want to show up at the Nats to look up at JoJo and
say,"I meant to help...".
Plan on standing as tall as Jo Grini, Norway's, heck Europe's best (I know Phillip might just be edging him a little on talent..and height:-) and mail your contribution to: Contributions are in the mail from from TN and Illinois, don't let be
second in your state to join in bringing 'the' Norwegian to our USA
Donations will be cut off the day after the end of the Nationals!
Jo's got his AMA sent in, radios figured out and time alotted. I got
his room and bored figured out if enough of you guys don't step up. (there goes
the money for the new dishwasher honey!).
9303 LeBeau Ct Louisville Ky 40299 |