What is wrong with the list
I have a hard time to post anything there for months. Practically no luck
"Test" message is first one showing for weeks
it goes there (no bouncing) and never shows up
from the other hand there is very little messages showing up on my mail box any way
Some of them are answers for question I have never got ( and seen) in my box
Is that e-mail messaging going to look like that this days ( firewalls,spam protection and who know what)
or something can be done?
anybody experience similar problems?
it seems that anonymous filtering is killing spirit of this exchange
Zbigniew Michalczyk
The Soaring Little Fleet of Poland
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 6:17 PM
Subject: [RCSE] test

Zbigniew Michalczyk
The Soaring Little Fleet of Poland

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