On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Paul Jacobson wrote:

thanks for the tips. I was speaking during the week to someone who mentioned the tip stall issue and suggested that a small amount of washout helped. I'm having all sorts of fun covering the the wings - I've got the profilm/oracover on cleanly and with no wrinkles, but made a mess of trimming the excess cleanly - what is the secret to clean straight trimming with mounted covering? I've been looking at something like a monokote trimmer but is that the answer?

I'm not an expert at covering by any means, but I use a Higley covering trimmer <http://www.srbatteries.com/hrdtools.htm>. It has worked well for me. I used to try to use just an Xacto knife and that worked terribly. I'm sure this tool is available at other than SR Batteries, its just the first hit I got when I searched for it to post a link to a picture.

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