I too would like to express my gratitude to the CASL club for hosting another fine event.

I had a great time, and am looking forward to next year's contest.

By the way, the new retrievers seemed to work very well.  Nice work guys.

It was very nice to see some of the midwest glider guiders come out of the cold to have some fun. Steve Siebenauler (sp?), Mark Gellart, and ah rats I can't remember his name, flying the "pretty" manits... :) Just a few of the guys that I met at last year's Nats. There were others too, but unfortunately, my memory is full of too much non-essential info to recall their names.

See you all soon I hope.


At 08:05 PM 2/6/2005, Daryl Perkins wrote:
Thanks to all for a great time! Darwin and crew run an
efficient, yet relaxed contest.

The air was challenging at times, making for a
slightly thermal oriented event. Many of the top ten
fell out in the last 8 minute round, shaking the
scores up a bit. I think Edgar had me prior to the
last round.

Don't ask me who finished where.... I have no idea. I
flew pretty well though. ;-)

I flew an Insanity 3.7. 2nd place Mike Smith flew a
Sharon 3.7. Hmmmmm... starting to see a theme here...

Thanks to all the hard workers at CASL. I had a great
time. And it was great to see so many old friends.
They make me remember what this soaring thing is
really all about.


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