I'd like to go on record as stating that the "VMS" system is not a
proprietary connector system. I feel that it is misleading to state so
 tiny VMS connector system
Hi Joedy,
Yup its a feeling..of yours.  No one I know of stated that it was proprietary or anything else in that vein. What it is definitely ...is just another benefit of the Volz servo system and credit should go to Michael for incorporating it into his servos....for more than 10 years!
I don't know if they will eventually catch on, but they have the merits to
do so.
'for more than 10 years" they have been a critiical part of a servo designed specifically for use in high performance competiton sailplanes.
A good thing is a good thing, but not sure what your first point was about.  VMS is really just a simple way to indicate those little darlings versus the usual servo connectors, no evil conspiracy to mislead there :-)
The rest of your post was good info.  You can get them to modify and adapt other brand servos away from chopping and soldering.
Thanks for the info!


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