The details of serious contesting has been gone over ad infinitim here in
the past, so I won't reiterate my views...

But, I'll give an example of a great gathering of people for soaring that I
participated in last weekend as an example of a fun weekend.  Last week I
headed down to Brazil, the second time that I have gone there.  The
attraction: a full three days of fun flying, with the occasional
semi-contest breaking out, just for fun.  The contest part was all-up/last
down HLG, and modified F3J (different target times, and the time starts at
the same time for all pilots).  But mostly, just fun flying with a lot of
scale ships in the air at all times.  The tow plane seemed to be in the air
almost continuously, and occasionally two tow planes were up at the same
time.  Think of Visalia without the annoyance of not being able to fly when
you want!  And best of all, the people there are great fun, always smiling
and laughing.  I've learned a little bit of Portuguese, but much of it is
probably not fit for polite company!

There are two aspects to why people go to events.  One is the serious side,
the competition.  The other is the social side, the fun and cameraderie.  If
the focus is on the competition, it seems that the event declines in
participation.  If the focus is on the enjoyment of participation, then the
event grows.  The trick is in getting a good marriage of the two into a
single event.

The two times that I've been to Brazil were about the best two events that
I've attended from an enjoyment perspective.  What I'll remember for a long
time are the friends that I've made there.  Also, the flying is very good
there, with amazing thermals at mid-day, but that is secondary to the
overall fun factor.


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