In fear of throwing more fuel on the 2-meter debate I had to reply to the 
GPS group. When I came back to the hobby of RC flying, after my single 
channel Cox powered days in high school, soaring was what intrigued me. My 
college buddy and I were amazed at what could be done with an un-powered RC 

Having limited funds, keep in mind a four channel radio cost approximately 
$200, he started with a Mark's Models Wanderer, a 2-meter, and I started 
with a short lived Cox Sportavia. I wanted to get in the air quick, poor 
choice. We were also trying to teach ourselves to fly, another poor choice. 
However, after the demise of the Sportavia, I bought from a person at work 
an old White Trash for very little money. It was an unlimited ship and it 
was trashed or should I say well used? To a novice it was some what 
intimidating to fly such a large airplane. But, since I had little invested, 
which was the key take-away, I was not as concerned.

The White Trash flew without much trouble, even though it was UGLY, but it 
was what got me hooked on thermal flying. I flew my first thermal flights 
with it before the gorilla high start a friend donated to us gave me my 
first experience of spar failure on launch. My buddy's Wanderer also 
eventually succumbed to launch over exuberance. While flying the White Trash 
my buddy and I were both building examples of Mark's Models Wanderer '99's. 
Once completed both of our less than unlimited size airplanes flew for many 
years and taught us how to fly.

I rue the fact that the Standard and Modified Standard class died. My belief 
is that they were an excellent compromise of size and cost versus 
performance. The leveling factor is another element I thought was important. 
I still have two and fly one of the 100" airplanes I built in the early '80's. 
Flying an unlimited ship is great fun and I love my four examples that I 
have. But, I also have a 2-meter that I assembled from parts that performs 
very well, even though it challenges me in a different way.

Hand launch started as an entry class and now has becomes almost as 
expensive as unlimited. In addition Discus launch requires a certain level 
of athleticism. RES has also become an event where bigger and more costly is 
better, most of the time. We need to still have an event or class that the 
novice feels comfortable in and not priced out of. Is 2-meter that class? I 
don't know, but I hope we don't kill it like we did the 100" class.


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