Dave, you are right on. RES needs more than three launches for a contest.

Mike Remus
LOFT Glider Club
Fort Wayne IN
LSF Level 5 #112
Remember; Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Dream Lofty dreams!

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 02:08:46 +0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> As a past ED for the Soaring Nats, 2004, and with the experience 
> earned during the 2004 Soaring Nats I would like to offer that the 
> underlying theme of this 2M thread really is about how much time 2M 
> should be allowed at the future Soaring Nats, not whether 2M should 
> be eliminated, either the nats or other contests everywhere.
> 2M, compares to Unlimited pretty much like Busch or Craftsman Truck 
> compares to the Cup Cars in Nascar, sorta like a comparison someone 
> made earlier this evening.
> If this comparison is valid then 2M probably only requires 1 day of 
> flying rather than 2 days. 
> Busch and Truck racing always run a lesser number of miles than the 
> Cup cars, which equates to a somewhat reduced investment up front 
> and a reduced continuing operating cost throughout the racing 
> season.
> I think this kind of comparison with the substitution of 2M 
> sailplanes could also include RES and Nostalgia as a place for the 
> beginners training ground as well as the place for experienced 
> pilots to have a more relaxed format to participate in if they wish. 
> I supect we would not harm the 2M class at the Nats with only one 
> day of flying and would certainly enhance the flying time for NOS 
> and RES.
> Lets quit carping about the premature death of 2M and spend our 
> efforts towards a more balanced Nats schedule with better use of our 
> RES and NOS classes.
> Regards to all, Dave Corven.
>                       AMA 878
>                       LSF 254.
> > All this discussion beating up 2M is really unfortunate. If this 
> string of
> > thought were carried to the logical extreme, the few that can 
> afford it,
> > would probably all be flying Icon's or whatever is the state of 
> the art
> > machine at the time and hang the gas bags and "lesser" planes. 
> This attitude
> > sounds a little elitist to me. 
> > 
> > If NASCAR thought the same way, there would be only NEXTEL CUP, no 
> Busch or
> > Craftsman Truck series races. These other races are good way for 
> drivers to
> > learn the skills to compete in the top races. 2M is a great way to 
> bring up
> > flying skills at a reasonable cost for newbie's like me. This year 
> I plan on
> > flying in the NATS for the first time in 34 years. I will be 
> flying in 2M
> > and please if you think it "sucks" don't fly. It'll be more fun 
> for the rest
> > of us. Don't close out the new guys by limiting choices. The sport 
> must
> > expand or wither and die.
> > 
> > By the way, I like unlimited and RES too. In fact, I just like to 
> fly.
> > 
> > Dennis Hoyle
> > WMSS (www.rcsoaring..org)
> > Sec / Treasurer / Web Geek
> > 
> >                            _____|_____
> >                                 |
> >                                /_\
> >                               /   \
> > \_____________________________\   /_____________________________/
> >  '-----------------------------\_/-----------------------------'
> >                                 "
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Mike Remus
LOFT Glider Club
Fort Wayne IN
LSF Level 5 #112
Remember; Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Dream Lofty dreams!
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