I see and read of a number of people who ask about camber control on a
slider.  I used to use sliders for camber also but I've changed to the
3-position switch on the upper left of my TX.

My question is: Why use a slider when the plane responds best at 2 specific
locations for camber/reflex?

I used to fly a Lovesong in competition.  It responded to 3-degrees of
reflex (approx. 1/8") and about the same amount for camber control.  I tried
a number of different positions and like Michael Selig discovered, the
3-degrees was about right.

I fly an Icon now and it too responds to a small amount of reflex and
camber.  Why not put the camber on a switch instead of a slider?  If we only
use a small amount, say less than 1/8", there is little difference in the
way the plane handles yet we have to spend energy/attention making sure the
slider would be in the correct position.  It seems easier to me to use the
switch.  What are others thoughts, Daryl P.? Joe W.?  gv

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