Well said, Steve. It is the discerning modeler who wants the very best, the 
most flexible radio, who is atracted to complex 12 channel scale ships. That's 
who the 4000 appeals to. Like any high end product, the market is modest and 
you won't find support in every small town. It's no different than high 
performance cars, boats or any other special interest.

In our hobby, Horizon puts out a nice line of popular priced planes and radios 
and offers reasonable levels of support. But they aren't the high end, they are 
not the best and most innovative, the most carefully thought out and 
considered. They represent good value for a broad market. They are middle of 
the road products, not the best of the best.

But when you want true excellence like a Let sailplane or a Profi 4000, 
distribution and support are very modest. THe irony is that John D. is very 
much like Ernie. There's only one of each. Both provide very high quality 
service, both are very knowledgeable, both are super guys to deal with. 

But if either John or Ernie decide to do something else in life, those of us 
who enjoy a Let sailplane or Profi 4000 will bemoan the loss but will find 
another source for high quality products via word of mouth or the internet.

That's the way life is. Those who most highly value support, should buy radios 
like JR. Those who want the very best should consider the Profi 4000. 

I can only look at the short term in life. No one knows where any of will be 
tomorrow. And short term, I can get my Profi 4000 service in 24 hours with 
Ernie. JR doesn't promise that level of service. Does Let?!

My final 2 cents on this topic,



>From: Steve Lange 
>Date: Mon Mar 14 00:38:44 CST 2005
>To: soaring@airage.com
>Subject: Re: [RCSE] Re:Profi Multiplex 4000

>John Derstine wrote:
>> The German market has been very demanding and they have
>> reconfigured JR equipment to meet those demands, hence the pizza box
>> designs with unlimited switch and stick assignments plus more or less
>> open mixing.(MC 24)
>...unlimited switch and stick assignments (channel assignments 
>too)--that's what I'm talking about. I don't care who makes it, that's 
>what I want.
>I want pre-programmed NOTHING.
>Let me sort it out, I actually do know best what I want to do with my 
>radio. For now, the Profi 4000 is what lets me do what I want to do with 
>minimal BS. That's what I'm kicking the big bucks out for, after all. If 
>I wanted limitations I'd just stick with Hitec.
>Can the American market please become a bit more demanding? LOL
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