WOW and WOW!!!
Just got two of the new Shadow 3, yep that's right 3 not 1,---- the new 7 channel xtal-less, programmable, cascadable,DSP, with triple lost signal 'hold' function ...receivers!
The S3 had significant feature enhancements over the Shadow 1.
It is now a full 7 servo system, versus 6 servo with 7channel flexibility as the S1 was.(7 servo plug-ins, that's enough for the Pike's servos and the Picolario!)
(for those of you afraid of the word 'programmable', its all done with the touch of one button!)
It now has three programmable 'lost signal hold' options...
1) last good signal 'no movement'---not powered hold, but not glitched by lost signal.
2)Last good signal 'hold position' --servos are actually 'held' by the RX
3) "Programmed Set and Hold"  (my term)  Move the surfaces to positions where you would like them to go to IF the TX signal is lost or distracted, then use the Shadow's patented One Touch program button to memorize those settings.
No crystals needed EVER AGAIN...the Shadow3 allows you to simply dial the frequency to match your TX, any brand TX...use the One Touch Button and the Shadow3 'knows' your TX...not just it's frequency but YOUR TX's 'finger print'!  To the point where another TX same freq will not operate the Shadow3.  (NO that's not saying you can fly around with two TX's on the same freq!!! That's goofy thinking.  The signal is still an FM signal and two at once is still like listening to two women talking at once).
Its the DSP function that does that part...and it is extremely agressive about  letting good bits only of signal thru to the servos!
AND Pin Mapping capability....what's that?  It means you can tell the Shadow3 to listen to any channels between 1 and 14!  So you can program one to listen to 1 thru 7, and a second (slave) to listen to 8 thru 14 for those big scale ships...Cascadability means you can turn two Shadow3 7 channel RX's into ONE 14 channel...or just use two in one plane, one in the wing to keep wing servo wires short and one in the fuse for the rest of the functions...two tiny 7's become one tiny 14...
On any Frequency....72mhz....OR 75mhz! Yes you can use the same Shadow3 in your plane or in your car/boat applications.  Just use the two dial Programmer to set it all up and all with one Touch to lock it each function needed.
Once set, it stays.

Available from Kennedy Composites first at the TOLEDO Weak Signals RC Show, April 1 weekend.  He has a limited number to sell there, so don't miss out!
You might even see me there..and yep the Digital Volz Servos on display.
Barry Kennedy told me that he will also have AVA's and Graphites there for sale and likely will have a show special on servos and sailplanes..and even on the JR9303 TX's, an excellent match for use with the Shadow3. (specially now that you guys got all those pregramming tips from JW and Mike L! :-)
BLASTERS are sold out, but Barry will have a sign up sheet there for those of you who want to first on the waiting list.
Back from Canada, off to Milwaukee

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