A channel scanner?


Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 13:04
To: Soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] JR/Futa/Hitec synth module..has suddenly made a new product a must!


Hi guys

Now Hitec, Futa and JR have a 'Spectra-esque' module. Two dials to chose your frequency...BUT more importantly is a gadget that used to be a just cool thing to have, or a neat idea to have but as of today is a MUST for every RC pilot to own and use...before and after you turn on your TX.


Can you guess what it might be? (keep it in the context of the fact that all TX's will now have synth tuning ...)


This is not something that is suddenly sort of important, it is now a critical  protocol for your piece of mind and safety.. And no the answer isn't the Shadow 3....that's a given, no point owning a synth module if you don't own a synth RX of any brand.


No this is way more critical.


And it will be available for around $50 from Great Planes...more on its details in next months RCSD issue.


So what has the availability of channel on demand Modules for all brands and synth RXs from all brands made a necessity?


I pity the fool who doesn't get one..immediately upon ordering their synth modules.

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