Had a great day of flying today.  Don't normally get out to fly much but got
a lot done today.
First up a friend rang the other day to see if I could help him sort a model
he was having trouble getting consistent launches with.  I happen to live
next door to a mile long grass runway that is mostly unused these days so
off we went at 7:30 this morning for a couple of hours launch tweaking and
speed run practice so he's sorted for next weekends 2 day F3B contest down

Got home about 10am and did a few jobs around the house and then tried to
think of something to do with the kids (4 & 7).

Decided to head out to a gannet colony a half hour away and check out the
view etc and see a bit of nature, had flown slope there before so threw in a
foamie and at the last minute added the buddy box set up to the car.
After checking out the conditions it was out with the model and off we went.
Dialed the throws wayyyyy down for them.  Both kids have spent time on
Realflight on the computer and typically the 4 yr old was better than the 7.
Mostly short turns on the controls for them but some got up to a half minute
or so before I had to take control back.
Absolutely nothing like spending an hour flying with the kids on a Sunday
afternoon, talk about one pretty proud Dad.  Only thing I wish was that
someone was there to take a picture of the kids first flying session.

Hope your Sunday is as good.

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