I have been chuckling over the high start mishaps that have been posted after this thread was started. I think that I have seen similar events to many of those reported. I remember one contest where my flying buddy's beautiful 2M Sagitta was dragged to death after a high speed stall on launch. Pieces flew all over the place. If you have seen one of Carl Mohs' planes, you know what an excellent job he does on them. Yes, high starts are unforgiving!
I can remember one of the (too many) instances where I launched only to find out the receiver wasn't turned on. On one occasion, my Sagitta 900 did that partial rainbow in the sky until it inexplicably came off of the tow ring on the downward leg. It gained speed in a dive, leveled off at treetop level and headed downwind towards the tree line behind us. There was an awful racket as the balsa and Monokote creation made its way throught the upper tree branches at high speed. It then exited on the other side of the trees...into a weed patch of briars, thistles, nettles, wild raspberries, and high grass. Four of us looked for about 15 minutes before Brian Andreas climbed a tree and looking down spotted it for me. It actually was resurrected and still flies in RES for me now. The one mishap that I haven't seen in this thread was the damage that can be done by stretched monofilament line. In the early days of F3J we were experimenting with light monofilament line (replacing our original braided nylon). In one instance I stretched the line in the usual way before raising the leg to signal release. Just then the line broke and I received a high speed facefull of monofilament and had stripes all over my face for some time. I wonder if those flying F3J have any monofilament stories to contribute.
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