The best switch setup is to slightly moddify the radio and move the Elevator
dual rate switch to the right front panel (where the thermal/cruise/speed
switch is located), move the launch/cruise/land switch one place to the
left( where the elev d/r switch was) and rotate it 180 degrees, and move the
thermal/cruise/speed switchh (that you took out in the first step) over to
the remaining hole to (the right of the launch/cruise/land switch). This
will let you operate all of the flight modes with your left thumb. There are
instructions (in pdf format) with many pictures on how to do this at under documents and tips - JR9303 Sailplane Switch
Modifications. It taks around 45 minutes, a small soldering iron, and a 6"
piece of hookup wire to do the modification. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Harley Michaelis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 7:37 PM
Subject: [RCSE] Can I. . .with the 9303??

Guys. . .excuse my simple inquiry, but with all the frustrations I had with 
the 8103, I'm reluctant to take the plunge on the 9303. Nevertheless, I must

do something pronto about a brand new Tx and have no time to read extensive 
manuals and fuss with elaborate programming.

Would those of you who have the 9303 that has ailerons and elevator on the 
right stick and throttle and rudder on the left, please tell me this:

Will it be a simple programming matter to operate the two flaps to full down

on the throttle stick and have elevator compensation? Will the throttle trim

tab then effect both flaps? Can I bypass flipping any switches?

Is it simple to get rudder mixed in with ailerons? Is it easy to program for

Dual Rates on elevator and ailerons?

What kind of running time are you getting on the standard battery pack?

That's all I need to fly the Genie, the LT/S or the Genie Pro. The other 
things can come later. I have no time now to deal with them.

have rudder mixed in with ailerons. Question. Will the throttle trim tab 
then move both flaps?remain The other stuff can come later.

Would it be a simple and sure programming procedure to do those things??? 
Also, does the radio allow independent programming for throw and neutrals of

each aileron.of each aileron?

 (1) use the throttle stick to move both flaps to the full down 
positioonindependently get each flap to a full down position on the throttle

stick? (2) Would the throttle trim tab be functional to simultaneously 
effect up or down movement of both flaps? (2) dial in down elevator 
compensation with down flaps?
(3) independently program each aileron for throws and differential? (4) Mix 
rudder in with ailerons?

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