Friend Tom Culmsee of the Portland, Or area sent me this note. One of the two websites mentioned gets you to a pic of the 150" Miskeet I designed in 1968. It was featured on the cover and as a construction article in the July, 1969 issue of Flying Models. It was later full kitted by Fliteglas Models and with a fiberglass fuselage sold for around $70.
If you go to and get into the Miscellaneous Pictures file, on page 7 you'll find a pic of me with the first one, taken early 1969 I think. I built 3 more including one of the Fliteglas kits and it did weigh just 4 pounds.  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:11 AM
Subject: Your Value Keeps Increasing



Here is something I found very interesting:


Proof that the old Master (and his creations) keep increasing in value as time goes on. I still remember my awe (as a young 17 yo kid) when you showed up at a contest in Tualatin, OR with this plane. Was the biggest glider I had ever seen to that point. Indeed a bargain at $69.95!


Thanks for all these great memories. And to your love and support of the hobby, undiminished after all these years.


Tom C.

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