Sometimes cheapo is da Bomb! Since I have to put my Stylus in a backpack and hoof it up the steep hill to the slope, the most functional case I have found is the soft insulated lunch box at Wal-Mart. $5.89 and the corners don't poke me in the back - lightweight, too! I just cut a small piece of foam with holes in it to protect the TX sticks. Sorta like the one your radio came in. And if you get the one that the Oakland raiders on it, there is even room for a cold drink or other field gear. Best selection around back to school time.
Oh yeah, that is also the same time and place I got my backpack. $14.68 and it now has 3 FULL seasons use on it. Ya see, out here in Californy we fly 52 weeks a year.......  [:^P)
Blue skies,
Capn Crunchie 

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