Today (Sunday) was one of the few times I’ve been out flying in the last 12 months and it was great!  The wind at Camp Maluhia was averaging 18 M.P.H gusting to 25 M.P.H.  Everything flew today from foamies to 4 meter scale ships and even a beautiful Wizard Compact.  The lift was excellent and fun was had by all.  I was able to fly my Lucky and get that trimmed out as with my reconditioned Quick Silver and JW.  There were no crashes or mishaps and that always make for a great day.  It was sunny all day and temps were in the mid eighties.


Just another beautiful day in paradise…


All the best,


Al Battad – WH6VE

AMA #506981


BTW, mahalo to all the pilots that made me feel right at home today.  The aloha spirit lives on…

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