Title: Winch Batteries (Like anyone would ever do this) except Steve Lewis
In discussion with an Exide battery engineer a few years ago...

I told him what the idea was...simply to dump as much current into the winch as fast as possible,
Without any regard for battery life.

With those qualities in mind...
He told me...
“Use the cheapest Exide battery you can find that will meet the contest requirements.
He further said, “THINK THIN PLATES”
Further...DO not use deep cycle they do not have the ability to dump huge currents like the cheapo’s...A result of Thick plates...

As for whipping a charge on them...
Cook them slow at a normal rate for 8 hours or so then place the batteries in a bathtub full of ice ...then blast them for an hour or two at a very high rate...keep the distilled water at the proper levels since they will gas like hell... Then to use the battery....get them hot and launch...
Your cheap Exide will deliver about 5 to 6 OUTSTANDING launches...Blow your mind or your plane...
Then pull the battery and repeat above process.

And if the great and wonderful Bozo says so...


Barry Kennedy where the hell is my AVA that I paid for early THIS morning at 7:43am
Yea, yea I know ...the check is in  the mail...

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