Gordy, if I'm not mistaken the Multiplex Evo with scanner module will do this and more.
Thanks for the Evo info, but I was posting information about the Hobbico Frequency Checker.  Evo owners will be happy to know that they don't need one, if they have paid a few hundred for the Evo option :-)
The Frequency Checker is a cool and tiny 'tool' that everyone should have including Evo owners with the option installed....
Fits in any flight kit and with the flick of a switch gives the looker an at a glance view of all 50 freqs busy or open...'nearby'.
If anyone else has tried one with an external antenna hooked up, post us your findings.
Pretty sure you could find an antenna to fit at Radio Shack. Might need a little mod to plug in but its just a single point connection. Likely a piece of coat hanger would do it :-)


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