I have to post a note as to how cruel and inhumane Barry is...

I told Barry that I needed a new AVA after the South West Classic and
that I was in no hurry (at that time). 

 Well My AVA showed up on Saturday.  Just to give you an idea how cruel
he is it came in a locked sport tube with no key!!!!  
So I am looking at a sport tube with something in it From Kennedy
Composites and it is locked till I send him the payment for what is
inside....  Then I Will get a key...Now that is cruel and unusual
punishment to say the very least, or maybe it is a scam??????

As to the help/support Barry has been to me,  let me start with almost
three years ago.
First off I have never been nice to the AVA, anyone that has seen me
launch/fly it will tell you that.  

Doing a full pedal launch at the NATS I broke a tip off my AVA on
launch...some who saw the launch would describe it in a different way,
but it did come off in the zoom phase.  
Barry happened to be at the NATS showing off his new AVA's.  
Barry took the broken wing tips from me and gave me a new set from his
stock.  Because of this I finished the contest.  He also sent the broken
set back to Vladimir to see what had happened to them.   
The next year at the NATS it happened again!!! and this time he loaned me
a set of tips so I could finish the contest ( he was starting getting on
to me).  As a side note to the AVA I was able bouth times to make my time
with a missing tip!

The Third time, This year at the SWC I crashed on launch wholesaling the
Funny thing was that Barry was timing for me on this last round for the
contest.  He got out HIS AVA put it together and let me fly it after
seeing what had just happened to mine!!!  That takes guts to say the
Just before I launched in the contest I asked if the bird was ready to go
and all trimmed... this time that helped me second in RES at the SWC. 
 Now there was a price for doing this was that he had his AVA on a new JR
transmitter and he took a picture of me holding his bird and that JR
radio after the round... ( I Fly Airtronics for those that do not know
me)  and Barry has been black mailing me with the threat of putting that
picture up on his web sight just to make matters worse....this is the
inhumane part....lol

So in a strange way I have been a Beta tester for the AVA over the last
three years.

Dr. Danny Williams
Colorado Springs, CO
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