Lee Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

>I have a Airtronics # 92965/72PCM receiver. On the out put pins there are two
>white jumpers? the top one is marked "N-" the second one down is marked "D="
>?  Can some one explain to me what they are and how they can be used??

Here's something I found on RCGroups.com. I can't vouch for its accuracy but
I can vouch for Mr.RC-CAM. He knows his stuff:



old_dude Feb 27, 2002, 06:11 PM

I just recently acquired an Airtronics 92965 PCM Rx that came with a TX I
wanted. The RX has end block connectors and has channels 1-6 numbered from
bottom going towards the top. The next block is "B" = battery ...no problem.
But then the last two connectors are marked "D" and "N" and have jumpers
What are these last two connectors for/ what do they do ???
Anybody know/ can help ???


AMA 213751


Feb 27, 2002, 10:59 PM

The N & D jumpers are installed if you use a 4.8V pack. Remove them if you
use a 6.0V pack.

Keep them installed and use it on 4.8V. This mode will provide low battery
detection (throttle wink once per minute). If you remove the jumpers, this
feature is disabled.


Winch Solenoid Safety Buzzer - http://www.vvsss.com/buzzer/

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