I have 2 core sets, with beds, cut the full SD 7036 airfoil thickness. The panels/beds are 24" long each. Finished chord would taper from 9.5" to 9.1".

These were cut by Les from blue Dow High-Load 60 foam, for use on the Genie LT/S center section, but became surplus after later going to a thinned down version .Les cuts the smoothest, most accurate cores I've ever seen. Like others, these are just beautiful.

The LT/S planform can be seen on page 5 of File 10 in the Genie pages http://genie.rchomepage.com/.

If you can't cut cores for tip sections, LT/S or a design of your own, Les could certainly accommodate you. I can suggest an airfoil combination I'd use for the tips if I were going to use these cores.

In any event, these are $50 total for the 4 core pieces plus beds, including shipping, in the US.

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