On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 12:23:27AM -0000, ufferdamman wrote:

| I am just getting into aileron planes and have a bunch of FMA m-5's
| sitting around.  Question: Can channel assignments be changed so I
| can use this rx with a aileron wing?

Very few receivers let you change channel assignments, beyond what you
can do by plugging servos into different slots.

You say you have a Stylus transmitter -- I don't know anything about
them specifically, but if your aileron/flaperon mix is set to use only
channels 1 and 6 and that can't be changed, it's not going to work
with the M5, unless you can make some custom mixes to replace the
standard flaperon mix.

(Some of the Berg receivers I think use channels 1-4 and 6, which is
probably what you're thinking of.)

The Futaba 9C lets you use channels 1 and 5 for the flaperon mix, or
channels 1 and 6.  Nice feature ...

If you don't need differntial ailerons or flaperons, you could just
put the two aileron servos on a Y connector, and just set the linkages
(or reverse a servo, either with an in-line reverser or by opening the
servo and swapping some wires) so that this works.

Another option is to put a two channel mixer (like you'd use on a
plane with elevons or a V-tail and no computer radio) into the plane,
on channels 1 and 5, with the outputs to the two ailerons.  Set up
correctly, you'd not need any mixes in your radio, and channel 1 would
be ailerons and channel 5 would be flaps/spoilers (really flaperons or
spoilerons ...)

| If not what are the best small/light 8 channel rx's these days?
| Berg's??  I am flying DLG's

Berg and FMA both make some excellent ones.  The Polk Hobbies Seeker 6
might work well too, as would the Sombra Shadow 3.  They only give six
and seven channels respectively, but that's enough, and they're

(And you could always make me a deal on the M5s :)

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