12m/s (26,8mph)

Last year and 5 years ago (i think) we had Nationals (Norway) in 11-12m/s. Many pilots was way down the list because they had not practiced in these conditions.. I normally use 1,35 or 1,45 line and only use the pedal for the first 1sec and the zoom (so I dont get the line tangelled into the elevator) Cant beat those mono launches with a strong F3B model full of lead ;-) 320m is my personal best (1050ft) that I have managed to meassure.

From the Ciam rules (sc4-abr.05.pdf)

B.13.1. The contest may be interrupted or the start delayed by the Jury if:

a) The wind is continuously stronger than 12 m/s (9 m/s for Free Flight, Scale and Space Models)

measured at two metres above the ground at the starting line (flight line) for at least one minute (20

seconds for Free Flight), unless specified otherwise in category rules.

b) The visibility prohibits proper observation of the models (especially in case of F/F or R/C contest) or

due to atmospheric conditions it would be dangerous to continue the competition.

c) It is necessary to reposition the starting line. This may only take place between rounds, or groups in

F3B and F3J.

d) The prevailing conditions are such that they may lead to unacceptable sporting results.

e) For F3A, F5A, F3C and F4C contests the sun is in the manoeuvring area.

In the event of an interruption during a round, the remainder of the round may be completed as soon as

conditions allow, with adequate notice given to all competitors and Team Managers.


Hilsen (Regards) Jojo

Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 16:40:53 -0700
From: "D Hauch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <soaring@airage.com>
Subject: max wind speed for f3b contest ?

anyone know what this is ?

thought i would practice some speed runs in the wind.

had 42oz of ballast in the X-21, wind blowing 22-30 mph with good
thermal activity, launching on mono, UNBELIEVABLE launches!!!

Had my heart pumping good, until i go to land in my rotor riddled
field, brought the heart to a fast stop trying to land this thing.  :-)
doesn't help having 30 mph winds cycling there way thru a bunch
of airplane hangers.  :-)

Dave Hauch

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