But there's no sound better than that of a T-56/Turboprop swinging on the wing of a C-130.
(The sound's of heaven)

(retired C-130 Crew Chief)

Soaring Is Life!!

From: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Keith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <soaring@airage.com>
Subject: Re: [RCSE] F-16 Flyby-Happy 4th of July
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 07:20:25 -0400

Since when? As a professional pilot who has watched people build and buy homes closer and closer to airports that have been there for many tens of years, and some a hell of a lot longer than that, I question their intelligence, education and common sense. Airports are and always will be good for the community, especially from a financial perspective! And those that are home to military squadrons play an even more important role! Most airports generate more steady-state revenue for the local community than people ever seem to realize. And why is it that when people have to travel somewhere and choose to go by airline, the average joe traveling public seems to always be complaining about how much of a pain it is to get to the airport because it's so far away, etc. Everyone seems to want an airport nearby when it serves their personal purposes, but are quick to condemn them if an airplane flies overhead. And those that complain about ticket prices on airlines have no clue what it costs to operate an airplane or airline. Airlines RARELY make much if any profit at all. Most operate in the red! Airlines operate on such thin margins that few people in their right mind would ever invest in one! The incredible lack of understanding and general ignorance of what's involved in supporting and operating aircraft is not just limited to the general public, but sadly also includes those that actually work in the industry (It's all I can do to keep from blowing up when I listen on a discrete frequency to some airline pilots complaining about their contracts, pay and benefit packages as we cruise along at 40,000' over the Atlantic or Pacific routes sometimes). It's really a sad thing.

*sigh*.... okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Sorry to all for my little rant off-topic...

BUT.... before I go... how can anyone not be turned on by the sound of 50,000 pound thrust G.E. or Pratt and Whitney engines in afterburner, even if it IS at O-dark thirty in the morning?

Keith McLellan (crazy about every kind of flying machine imagineable for over 43 years now)
New World Aviation

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Copley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chuck Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <soaring@airage.com>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] F-16 Flyby-Happy 4th of July

Sound of freedom can really be obnoxious at times :-)
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