Title: Message
 Lenny says: "The new "unlimited motor run" rules work very well, with each pilot using as much or as little motor run as he deems necessary.  Duration score begins when the motor is shut off, just like a winch event.  This format encourages lower launch heights and is much more of a thermal contest." 
Jon says: Also encourages stronger motors, ESC, & battery systems to get the plane up faster in less time than thy neighbor.  
Let's understand this correctly: All the F5J formats encourage contestants to obtain the maximum possible power system. Regardless of format, there is always an advantage gained with "faster and higher".
That said, Lenny is correct. The UMR (unlimited motor run) format shifts the tasks away from higher launch heights and towards thermal skills. Those who can read air better and get that power system shut off sooner now see an advantage, and are glad to take it.
Does that make UMR make a better contest? Yes! Better to bring the contest closer in to the pilots, as opposed to the eyesight contest that LMR encourages. And better to emphasize air reading / thermalling skills. UMR is more challenging in the skills we cherish; that is why UMR is more fun.
Aradhana Singh Khalsa
New Mexico

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