..............Well okay it was more like explosions as they pinged off supersonic launches to the base of the clouds.  They are the most amazing super light 2m sailplanes imaginable.
Watching their launches (and there were bunches of them going up the lines all day) was very cool.  Even less experienced guys were able to match top launches.
There seems to be a misconception about the Nats....some guys seem to think its a collection of great pilots, but in fact its a reason for guys who just like to fly sailplanes together... to do it.  We all have our days of glory, but its not about that at the Nats.
Its about chatting up crappy luck, crappy sticking amazing saves and brilliant decisions.
Its about laughing and kidding and well flying RC sailplanes.
Guys who landed out, or popped off figured they were toast, but in fact one of the woodsmen had a 48 point round!  I ended up 27 ...with a 32 point round...yep not 1,000 possible but 32, but I stuck it out and now get to rake in the LSF contest points for my LSF4 bid!
I heard a comment from one newer but very talented modeler when he landed at the edge of beans (out and zero), "well there's no reason for me to stay now..." but he was wrong, had he stayed he could have been there to share in our great flights, lucky thermal catches, our butt clenching squeeks back to the field and the howls of shock as someone rotated one directly over on the launch, smack into the ground, only to drag the remains halfway to winch, forgeting to come off the pedal :-)
He missed the chance to see an EARLY version of the Monarch 2m, fly its way to greatness amongst Organics, Mini Icons, and Kiesling hybrids.
Mostly he cheated us out of sharing the fun with another friend.
Wish you all could have been there....I only got yelled at for being late to the winch, launching late, getting out of the landing zone too slow, returning my radio to the impound too slow, being late for timing JoJo and in general for being an crappy pilot this week :-)
Guys that were really mean to me today:
Jim Thomas
Marc Gellart
"Nostagia Jack"
Steve Siebenalher
And most of the ladies in the impound 
the Hot Dog guy
Awesome flying by Tom Kiesling, JoJo,Mike Lachowsi, Craig Greening, Tom Scully, well you'll see the list ...But I have to tell you the scores don't tell show the great flights each had.
For instance, yesterday Mike Stump flew the flight of our dreams, tough crushing conditions that put everyone else down early but he worked every fart and bubble for a max and a landing....Don Richmond flew some great flights, Justin Amon the same.
Josh Glaub worked his tail off  flying a 1996 Waco 2m, today but didnt' get the big numbers...he said it was the first time he hadn't put at lease one max up in his life!
Mike Lachowski saved his plane when a stab broke on launch but using flaps only to float it in inverted to a nice soft landing...in really windy conditions.
I saw a Sisu out max everything a few times and on the last crusher flight drop in for a capping 100! Jerry was grinning, well as much as he ever shows excitement :-)
I watched Edgar Vera (past Visalia Champion) make what seemed to be all the right moves only to end up on the short end of the flight.
I was there...to see it :-) Wish you all could have been too!
Open stuff tomorrow, and DP will be back!

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