Heck, you can do this with Outlook also, if that is the problem, I just created a set of rules for every thing with RCSE in the Header to file the “undigested” subscription to a folder. It is a lot easier to browse the headers this way than with the digest version or the scattered inbox approach.

But that said, this exchange has really become more of a Gordy’s chat room of late. Not singling out him, but it seems that there is a small group of guys posting idle banter about non subjects.  Pretty much the same few guys posting all the time. What with RC Groups and the scale soaring list plus many other specialized forums available, this one has in my opinion become a bit archaic in its list form only format. Granted there are Yahoo mirror sites etc. but if you do that why not have a one stop shop web based info source, with photo capability.



Endless Mountain Models




-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Diss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 2:16 PM
To: Jay Hunter
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Why are so many guys unsubscribing?


I use Netscape and have a filter move the list traffic to a folder.  I have history going back 5 years that I can search.  The filter is nice too because I can flag certain threads and block certain content.


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