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1st priorities friends & flying buddies.  I just can't say enough on how special this group of people is.  I couldn't begin to name everyone.
Fond memories & random thoughts.
- being pretty well unprepared for F3J, and having the scores to prove it.  :)
- watching Larry Jolly and Craig Greening read the air in F3J.
- flying an unballasted 2m in 15+ mph winds... and maxing several rounds.  Asking myself turn by turn... "can I still get back to the field?"
- getting awarded my LSF 5 plaque at the banquet. 
- shop talk with Tom and Mike about building techniques, air reading, etc.  Starting to get the bug to bag my own wing again.
- spending hours in the corn & bean fields looking for planes.
- flying 4 of my first 5 rounds in Unlimited grouped with Tom Kiesling.  Boy I had him scared. :)
- Jack's Hobie Hawk launches in Nostalgia.  I thought he had invented a new F3B launch technique.  The figure 8 tow.
My COOLEST moment of the NATS... having an entire cooler full of ice & water dumped on me while I was napping between rounds.  Something about an initiation or something :)  Marc Gellart said I actually levitated off the ground 3 feet or so.

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